Preklad slova "rada nato pre spojenie a elektroniku" slovensko anglicky
otočiť slovníknájdených 112 výsledkov (1 strana)
- Rada NATO pre spojenie a elektroniku
- optoelektronika
- elektronika
- optoelektronický
- mikroelektronika
- array
- councillor
- court
- earful
- flight
- layer
- sequel
- stable
- tier
- train
- vista
- piece of advice
- after
- afterwards
- hereupon
- subsequently
- then
- thereupon
- therewith
- because
- behalf
- IN
- ob
- owing
- propter
- sake
- for the sake of
- in favour
- in favour of
- on behalf of
- on one's behalf
- thro' (= through)
- thru (= through) (US)
- to a
- accouplement
- affiliation
- aggregation
- alliance
- association
- bond
- butt
- call
- channel
- circuit
- coaptation
- colligation
- combination
- communication
- concatenation
- conflation
- conjugation
- conjunction
- connecting
- connection
- connexion
- connexions
- connexity
- consolidation
- contact
- copulation
- coupling
- dowelled
- engagement
- fusion
- integration
- interconnected
- interconnecting
- interconnection
- interlock
- join
- joinder
- joint
- junction
- juncture
- knot
- liaison
- link
- linkage
- mergence
- pinning
- relation
- relations
- session
- signals
- splice
- synechia
- tack
- tacking
- teaser
- tonguing
- touch
- union
- unit
- amalgamation
- line of communication
- plug contact
- coadunation
- inter-linking
- joining up
- a