Preklad slova "podacia potvrdenka" slovensko anglicky
otočiť slovníknájdených 97 výsledkov (1 strana)
- podacia potvrdenka
- potvrdenia
- acknowledgement
- acknowledging
- acknowledgment
- ackonowledgment
- ackowledging
- affirmance
- affirmantion
- affirmation
- anction
- asseveration
- attestation
- bind
- certificate
- certification
- charter
- confirmation
- confirming
- corroboration
- echo
- endorsement
- grant
- justification
- licence
- receipt
- recognition
- substantiation
- validation
- verification
- voucher
- warant
- filing certificate
- acknowledged
- affirmed
- certified
- confirmed
- corroborated
- validated
- accredit
- acknowledge
- affermer
- affirm
- anction
- approve
- attest
- back
- certify
- clinch
- confirm
- corroborate
- countersign
- endorse
- establish
- homologare
- homologate
- probate
- ratify
- seal
- speak
- substantiate
- sustain
- testify
- underwrite
- uphold
- validate
- verify
- vindicate
- vouch
- bear out
- bear witness
- give sanction
- put one's seal upon
- put seal upon
- set one's seal to
- set one's seal upon
- set seal upon
- to affirm
- to confirm
- to sanction
- to validate
- potvrdené
- acquittance
- apocha
- check
- counterfoil
- counterfoit
- discharge
- quietus
- quittance
- receipt
- slip
- ticket
- voucher
- borrower's card
- satisfaction piece